Monday, March 25, 2013

My Sunshines

      Sunshine. That was the nick name I gave to my boy child when he was just a baby because no matter what, he always seemed to be in a good mood and that mood of his was contagious. I remember going into his room to get him out of his crib first thing in the morning and he would be laying there happy as a clam playing with his toes and laughing away. I use to sneak in while he was napping and lightly tickle his cheek. He would smile every time, even in a deep sleep. He was and still is my sunshine, my light. Now a days the boy is taller than me but he is still that same charming, laid back cutie with an even temper and a cheshire cat grin. I think sometimes God gives us people like my Colton to remind us that there is always a reason to smile.

      Vickie is the secretary at our school but she is no normal secretary. Vickie is Tucker Creek's version of "Super Secretary." Her special power is the ability to kill with kindness. Fortunately she is the first person you meet when you walk through the door. I say fortunately because Vickie is truly one of the nicest people I know. I have yet to find her in a bad mood and I've been working there for eleven years! She is calm, cool and collected even when she is fielding a phone call from an irate parent or getting attitude from a surly middle schooler. She handles it all with remarkable grace, a trait I envy. I asked her once how she manages to do that job everyday and still be so happy. "That's easy." She said.  "I pray... a lot."

      Vickie's personality is much like the boy child's, pure sunshine. She uses her job, her position, her opportunities, to bring joy to the world. She makes you feel better no matter what is going on in your life or hers. She sports that smile and that great sense of humor and before you know it, you are smiling too.

      Try as I may, there have been days at work, when I am just not me. I think that I am hiding it pretty well but Vickie never fails to see right through my thin facade. She will send me an email letting me know that she knows and that she is praying for me. She always ends her emails with "Remember, I love you" and "God loves you." I can't tell you how many times her kind words came right when I needed to hear them. She is such a blessing to me and the hundreds of other people she encounters everyday at work. Her heart, her joy, her smile and her attitude are infectious. I am so thankful that I get the honor of working with such a wonderful soul.

      For this week's pay it forward I wanted to do something nice for someone who adds so much sunshine to the world so I made Vickie a little sign for her desk. It is something she tells me all the time with her emails, her actions and her smile- I love you and so does God. I want to strive to be a "Super Vickie" to the people I encounter in my life because this lovely lady has proven to me that it doesn't take much to make a big difference and I am so very grateful for the lesson. :)


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